Recent and upcoming concerts


Monday 12th february 8h15 p.m.

English Reformed Church-Amsterdam
Recital for violon et piano
Violon : Dona Nouné
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Yared, Kanaan, Derghougassian, Gelalian
Elgar, Roukens

Friday 23rd february 8h00 p.m.

Amphitheatre Jean-Paul II
University of Holy Spirit  Kaslik-Lebanon
Recital for two pianos "D'Erevan à Beyrouth"
Piano : Betty Salkhanian Kourtian and Georges Daccache
Program : Khatchaturian, Torikian, Derghougassian, Ghosn, Rouhana

Saturday 11th May 6h00 p.m.  

Château de la Guizonière
Recital for violin and piano
Violin : Dona Nouné
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Yared,Derghougassian, Barber
Roukens, Satie, Albéniz

Thursday 16th may 7h30 p.m. 

Mairie du 5ème arrondissement-Paris
"Echos des cultures", recital for flute and piano
Flute : Ana-Suhaila 
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Barber, Hakim, Masri,
Seif, Zymen, El Khoury

Sunday 17th november 4h00 p.m. 

Cathedral Notre-Dame du Liban
Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Tribute for Said Akl
Choir "Les Musicales du Liban"
Direction : Fadi Khalil
Soprano : Marie-José Matar
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Wajdi Abou Diab, Rita Ghosn
Wadia Sabra, Iyad Kanaan

Sunday 1st december 4h00 p.m.

Cathedral Notre-Dame du Liban
Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
The sacred voice of Lebanon
Cantors : Léna Farah, Salam Geha
Organ : Georges Daccache
Program : F. Paul Achkar, F. Youssef Khoury
F. Louis Hage, F. Joseph Achkar, and many others

Sunday 8th december 8h00 p.m.

Church Saint Sauveur-Saint Maroun, Issy-Les-Moulineux
Chistmas concert
Soprano : Marie-José Matar
Organ : Georges Daccache
Program : Bach, Haendel, Vivaldi
Gounod, Kanaan, Waked, and many others



Wednesday 22 march 8h00 p.m.

Palace of Unseco-Paris
Concert of the "Journée mondiale de la Francophonie"
Soprano : Marie-José Matar
Piano : Georges Daccache

Tuesday 2 May 7h00 p.m.

Beit Tabaris-Beyrouth
Recital "Around precursor composers"
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Wadia Sabra, Georges Baz, Boghos Gelalian,
Touffic Succar, Anis Fuleihan, Stéphan Emiyan

Saturday 20 May 8h00 p.m.

Church Sainte-Thérèse, Les Issambres
Concert of sacred music
Cantors: Léna Farah, Salam Geha
Organ: Georges Daccache
Program: traditionel and modern melodies of the Maronite church

Dimanche 4 juin 4h00 p.m.

Cathedral Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Recital for violon et piano "Musical journey from New-York to Beyrouth"
Violon : Dona Nouné
Piano : Georges Daccache
Programme : Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber, Boghos Gelalian, Iyad Kanaan, Miguel Del Aguila

Sundays12, 19 et 26 november 4h00 p.m.

Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Cathedral Notre-Dame du Liban in Paris

Sunday 12th november 4h00 p.m.

Cathedral Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival "les Musicales du Liban"
Philokalia Choir
Direction : Soeur Marana Saad
Organ : Fadi Khalil
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : sacred and secular works of Lebanon

Thursday 28th december 8h00 p.m.

Philokalia Institute-Lebanon
Festival "Dar El Milad"
Recital for flûte and piano
Flute : Ana-Souhaila Abboud
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Fauré, Mouquet, Ravel, Hakim,
Kanaan, Kesserwani, Sayf, Emiyan



Sunday June 19th, at 3h30 p.m. 

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival  "Les Musicales du Liban"
"Hommage à Wadia Sabra"
Soprano : Joumana Amyouni
Soprano : Marie-Josée Matar
Baryton : Fady Jeanbart
Piano : Georges Daccache

Sunday 13, 20 et 27 novembre

Fourth edition of the festival "Les Musicales du Liban"

Sunday 13 november, 3h30 p.m.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival "les Musicales du Liban"
"Voyage musical de Rome à Beyrouth"
Violoncelle : Alexander Spreng
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Piatti, Matrucci, Koussa, El Bacha, Derghougassian

Thursday 8th december at 8h00 p.m. 

Musée des Beaux-Arts Dijon
Festival "Les Nuits d'Orient"
Récital for two pianos: Georges Daccache et Benoît Tourette
With the participation of the sudents of piano and theatre of the CRR of Dijon
Program : Khatchaturian, Derghougassian, Rouhana, Babadjanian, El Khoury

Thursday 13th december at 8h00 p.m.

Church of Saint-Maroun Beirut
Festival "Beirut Chants"
Violon : Mario Rai
Piano : Georges Daccache
Program : Kanaan, Gelalian, Hakim, Chalhoub



Sunday june 13, at 3h30 p.m.

Cathedrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival of "Musicales du Liban"
Paris-Beyrouth, un aller-retour poétique et musical
Soprano: Marie-Josée Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache
Réciter: Elisabeth Drulhe
Musical works by: Calue Debussy, Nicolas Chevereau, Bechara El Khoury,
Iyad Kanaan, Anis Fuleihan, Georges Baz, Houtaf Khoury et autres..

Sunday 14, 21, 28 november 2021 at 3h30 p.m.

Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Cathedrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris

Sunday 14th november 3h30 p.m.

Fesival "Les Musicales du Liban"
"Sonates libanaises"
Violon : Mario Rahi
Piano: Georges Daccache
Works from Gelalian, Kanaan, El Khoury, Chalhoub, Hakim
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban, Paris

Tuesday 16th November

Masterclass at CRR de Dijon
Works for piano of Wadia Sabra
Piano Class of Benoit Tourette

Wednesday 1st december 7h00 p.m.

Festival 'Les Nuits d'Orient", Dijon
Entre Orient et Occident, Inspirations musicales du Liban
Récitante: Josée Devron
Piano: Georges Daccache
With the participation of the piano class of Benoit Tourette, CRR de Dijon
Works from Sabra, Succar, Fuleihan, Baz et Hakim
Musée des Beaux Arts-Dijon 

Sunday 12 december 8h00 p.m.

Noël d'Orient et d'Occident
Ténor : Père Naoum Khoury
Piano : Georges Daccache
Works from Gounod, Martin, Schubert, Hakim, Emiyan...
Saint Charbel Chruch-Bordeaux



Sunday January 26, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

Chapelle Saint-Laurent, Lagny-sur-Marne
Sacred music of East and West
Choir of the Conservatoire de Marne et Gondoire
Direction: Virginie Colette
Organ: Georges Daccache
Choir of the Notre-Dame du Liban Cathedral in Paris
Management: Georges Daccache

Tuesday February 18, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Residence des Pins-Beyrouth
Lebanese music and poetry recital
Musical works by Wadia Sabra, Bechara El Khoury,
Georges Baz, Iyad Kanaan, Nicolas Chevereau, Georges Daccache
Texts by Nayla Chidiac
Reciter: Randa Sadaka
Soprano: Mayor-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache

Sunday 4 october, 2020 at 3.30 p.m.

Notre Dame du Liban Cathedral in Paris
Lyric recital of Lebanese composers
On the occasion of the centenary of the creation of Greater Lebanon
Soprano: Mayor-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache

Sunday 8,15, 22 and 29 November at 3.30 p.m.

Notre Dame du Liban Cathedral in Paris
Second edition of the "Musicales du Liban" festival
Program to be defined



Tuesday 30 april 2019 at 8h00 pm

Auditorium Pierre Abou Khater USJ-Beyrouth/Liban
Autour des Compsiteurs Libanais
Chamber music recital
Au programme: Boghos Gelalian, Iyad Kanaan,
Naji Hakim, Claude chalhoub
Violon : Mario Rai
Piano: Georges Daccache

Thursday 2 may 2019 at 8h00 pm

Church Saint-Élie Nahr Ibrahim/Lebanon
Sacred music syro-maronite
Programme: P. Boulos Achkar, P. Joseph Achkar, P. Joseph Khoury
Ténor: Salam Geha
Organ: Georges Daccache

Sunday 2 juin at 8h00 pm

Piano festival of Calgiari/Sardaigne-Italiy
Around the lebanese composers
Programme: T. Succar, W. Sabra, S. Emiyan, G. Baz, N. Hakim
Piano: Georges Daccache

Friyday 21 juin at 8h00 pm

Church Saint-Joseph Beyrouth/Liban
70th anniversary of  the Composer Gabriel Yared
Philharmonic Orchestra of Lebanon
NDU choir
Piano : Georges Daccache

Saturday 7 September 2019 at 7h00 pm

Church of Saint Pierre de Saint Pé de Bigorre
Concert of maronite sacred music
Chantres : Léna Farah Ghawi et Salam Geha
Organ : Georges Daccache

Saturday 14 September 2019 at 7h00 pm

Church Saint Antoine, 10 rue Béranger à Angers
Concert of maronite sacred music 
Chantres : Marie Trezanini et Salam Geha
Organ : Georges Daccache

Monday 11 novembre 2019 at 8h00 pm

Institut de France-Budapest
Lyric recital "Debussy et le Liban"
Program :Claude Debussy, Georges Baz,
Bechara El Khoury, Nicolas Chevereau, Iyad Kanaan...
Soprano : Marie-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache

Saturday 16 november 2019 at 8h30 pm

Cathedrale of Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Récital for two pianos "D'Erevan à Beyrouth"
Program : Rita Ghosn, Charbel Rouhana,
Sevag Derghousassian, Aram Khatchaturian
Piano : Betty Salkhanian Kourtian et Georges Daccache

Sunday 1 décember 2019 at 3h30 pm

Cathedrale of Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Festival "Les Musicales du Liban"
Lyric recital "Liban en poésie et musique"
Program: Iyad Kanaan, Bechara El Khoury,
Georges Baz, Toufic Succar, Nicolas Chevereau...
Soprano : Marie-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache



Sunday 23 December 2018

Christmas Concert
church Saint John-Marc, byblos/Lebanon
In Programme: Stéphane Emiyan, Naji Hakim,
​P. Youssef El Khoury, P. Youssef El Achkar
Ténor : Salam Geha
Piano : Georges Daccache

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Annually concert for Air-France Paris
Ténor: Père Naoum Khoury
Piano: Georges Daccache

Tuesday 17 April at 8h00 p.m.

Auditorium Pierre abi Khater-Beyrouth
"Promenade excotique"
Récital for two pianos
Program: Saint-Saëns, Borodine, Khatchaturian,
​SevagDergousassian, Charbel Rouhana...
Piano: Betty Salkhanian et Georges Daccache

Monday 11 juin at 6h30 p.m.

Palais des Nations, UN-Geneva
"Debussy et le Liban"
Soprano: Marie-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache
Program: Claude Debussy, Nicolas Chevereau, Georges Baz,
​Touffic Succar, Bechara El Khoury, Iyad Kanaan



Tusday12 december at 7h30 p.m.

Palais de l'Unesco de Paris
"Noël d'Orient à l'Occident"
Soprano: Marie-José Matar
Ténor: Père Naoum Khoury
Piano: Georges Daccache
Quanun: Imad Morcos
Flûte: Père Youhanna Géha
Choir: "La Petite Suite" direction Olivier Plaisant

Wednesday 6 december at 7h30 p.m.

Bibliothèque Patrimoniale de Dijon
Récital Lyrique "Autour des Compositeurs libanais"
Programme: Bechara El Khoury, Iyad Kanaan, Garo Avessian, Boghos Gelalian...
Soprano: Marie-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache

Wednesday 15 November 2017

CRR de Dijon
Masterclass "Autour des Compositeurs libanais"

Monday 25 september 2017 at 7h30 p.m.

Palais de l'Élysée
Programme: Bechara El Khoury, Iyad Kanaan, Toufic Succar, Boghos Gelalian...
Soprano: Marie-José Matar
Piano: Georges Daccache

Sunday 10 September 2017 at 5h00 p.m.

Château de Marcilly
French melodies
Ténor: Père Naoum Khoury
Piano: Georges Daccache
Au programme: Debussy, Fauré, Massenet, Hahn, Tosti, Lalo...

Sunday 19 February 2017 at 7h00 p.m.

Cathédrale Sainte-Croix des Arméniens-Paris
Lyric Concert
Soprano: Camille Chapron
Piano: Georges Daccache
Programme: Wagner, Debussy, Berg, Bellini, ...

Friday 24 February 2017 at 7h30 p.m.

Palace of Unesco in Paris
Liban Evocation Musicale
Soprano: Marie-Josée Matar
Mezzo-Sorpano: Roula Safar
Ténor: Roberto Poma
Baryton: Louis Gal
Piano: Georges Daccache
Programme: Touffic Succar, Bechara El Khoury, Gabriel Yared,
Georges Baz, Violaine Prince, Iyad Kanaan, ...

Sunday 22 January 2017 at 7h00 p.m.

Cathédrale Sainte-Croix des Arméniens-Paris
Lyric Concert
Soprano: Camille Chapron
Piano: Georges Daccache
Programme: Wagner, Debussy, Berg, Bellini, ...



Monday 6 june 2016 at 7h30 p.m. 

Palace of Unesco in Paris
"Lebanon in music and images", World Premiere
Récital of mélodies of Iyad Kanaan on a poems of Antoine Raad
Shadi Torbey: Baryton-Basse
Georges Daccache: Piano

Friday 15 april 2016 at 8h30 p.m. 

Galerie Beauvoir, Paris
"Meeting with Lebanese Composers"
Programme: Touffic Succar, Bechara El-Khoury, Stéphan Emiyan, 
Georges Baz, Gabriel Yared, Stéphan Emiyan,

Tuesday 8 march 2016 at 8h00 p.m. 

Auditorium Pierre Abi Khater, Beyrouth-Lebanon
"The Serpents of Paradise", Word Premiere
Cycle of Lieder for seven solists and piano 
Musique of Iyad Kanaan, Poems of Elias Abou Chabaké



Wednesday 9 december 2015 at 8h00 p.m. 

Festival "Nuits d'Orient-Dijon"
Théatre de la Fontaine d'Ouche
Georges Daccache: Piano
Leyla-Claire Rabih: Lecture
Programme: Touffic Succar, Bechara El-Khoury, Stéphan Emiyan, 
Georges Baz, Gabriel Yared, Stéphan Emiyan, Naji Hakim

Sunday 6 december 2015 at 4h30 p.m. 

Church of Saint-André de l'Europe-Paris
Oriental ant Occidental sacred hymns for Christmas
Ténor : Father Naoum Khoury
Orgue: Georges Daccache

Sunday 8 november 2015 at 4h00 p.m. 

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
"Around the Lebanese Composers"
Marie-Josée Matar: Soprano
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: Bechara El-Khoury, Touffic Succar,
Iyad Kanaan,Boghos Gélalian, Georges Baz ...

Sunday 23 august 2015 at 5h00 p.m.  

Festival du Château d'Orion
"Entre Orion et Orient"
Père Naoum Khoury: Ténor
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: Haendel, Mozart, Schubert, Gounod, Massenet,
Chopin, Fauré, Debussy, Succar, Emiyan, Yared 

Tuesday 11 august 2015 à 8h00 p.m. 

Auditorium of the College Notre-Dame of Louaizé-Lebanon
"Around the Lebanese Composers"
Marie-Josée Matar: Soprano
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: Bechara El-Khoury, Touffic Succar,
Iyad Kanaan, Boghos Gélalian, Georges Baz ...

Sunday 21 june 2015 at 3h00 p.m. 

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
"Around the Lebanese Composers"
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: touffic Succar, Bechara El-Khoury,
Stéphan Emiyan, Gabriel Yared, Georges Daccache

Thursday 16 april 2015 at 8h00 p.m. 

Villa Mexico-Beyrouth
Concert-Conference: Lebanese music, French music,
Correspondences and influences
Nicolas Southon: Musicologist
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: Georges Baz, Claude Debussy, Bechara El-Khoury,
Maurice Ravel, Toufic Succar, Gabriel Yared

Thursday 12 february 2015 at 7h30 p.m. 

Festival hall of The Hôtel de Ville de Paris
"Between East and West"
Madona Rouhan-Daccache: Mezzo-Soprano
Père Naoum Khoury: Ténor 
Le Quatuor Parisii
Georges Daccache: Piano
Imad Morcos: Quanoun
Nader Morcos: Percussions
Programme: Handel, Haydn, Tosti, Dvorak,
Sacred Syriac Maronite hymns and Lebanese folk and traditional songs



Sunday 28 december 2014 at 6h00 p.m.

Church of Saint Abda Bikfayya-Lebanon
"Noël à l'Enfant"
Ténor: Père Naoum Khoury
Piano: Georges Daccache
Programme: Charles Gounod, Henri Martin,
​Franz Schubert, Stéphan Emiyan ...

Sunday 16 november 2014 at 7h00 p.m. 

Reid Hall, Paris 
"Concert dedicated to the dead of World War I" 
Isabelle Cazorla: Soprano
Roula Safar: Mezzo-Soprano
Roberto Poma: Ténor
Anne Svetoslavsky et Georges Daccache : Piano
Sévérine Joly: Violon
Emmanuel Secq: Flûtes
Laurent Sauron: Timbales et Carillon
Choeur Symphonique de Montpelier
Direction: Vincent Recolin
Programme: Charles Gounod, Violaine Prince

Saturday 15 november 2014 at 7h00 p.m.

Oratoire du Louvre, Paris 1er
"Concert dedicated to the dead of World War I" 
Isabelle Cazorla: Soprano
Roula Safar: Mezzo-Soprano
Roberto Poma: Ténor
Anne Svetoslavsky et Georges Daccache : Piano
Sévérine Joly: Violon
Emmanuel Secq: Flûtes
Laurent Sauron: Timbales et Carillon
Choeur Symphonique de Montpelier
Direction: Vincent Recolin
Programme: Charles Gounod, Violaine Prince

Saturday 28 june 2014 at 9h00 p.m. 

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban-Paris
Choir of Notre-Dame du Liban
Hymns form the syriac maronite church
Direction: Georges Daccache
Vocal ensemble, Jubilate Deo
Polyphonies of Tallis, Kodaly, Charpentier et Mendelsshon
Direction: Laurent Vauclin

Thursday 20 mars 2014 at 6h30 p.m.

Palace of Unesco-Paris 
Concert of World Days of Francophonie
Samar Salamé: Soprano
Georges Daccache: Piano
Programme: Wassim Soubra, Georges Baz